The issue manager has the responsibility to review each NOPA for accuracy, organization and completeness, and approve by signing the Form 5701 before issuing the NOPA to the taxpayer. NOPAs meeting certain dollar thresholds or on specific issues may require senior manager approval.
MEET MANAGER for swimming 4.0.rar
On-site visits and case or issue reviews by the case and/or issue manager can be an effective method to monitor the progress of the case and/or development of tax issues. Before a review is conducted, the manager should prepare an agenda to ensure the time spent is focused and productive. When the on-site visit includes a meeting with the taxpayer, the agenda should be shared with the examination team and provided to the taxpayer in advance to allow sufficient time for the taxpayer to add items to the agenda, and conduct any research, inquiry, or development of background material necessary for meaningful discussions. 2ff7e9595c