Over 9000 ADD/ADHD patients have been treated at our clinical facilities (presently Irvine and Northridge) and approximately 80% of them have experienced significant improvement in their focus, mood, behavioral regulation (if hyperactive/impulsive), productivity, and general well-being. It is our goal to not only help people, but also to be a resource to individuals and families everywhere, which is why we would like to provide our readers more information on the different types of attention deficit disorder in order to help promote awareness and understanding.
The Drake Institute is dedicated to providing the most sophisticated qEEG brain mapping technology and neurofeedback treatment uniquely suited to treat your specific form of ADD. Our treatment process has proven to be clinically effective in approximately 80% of patients over the past 25 years. No matter which of these 7 types of ADD you suffer from, we can help.
The Amen Clinic ADD Type Questionnaire.pdf checked
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